Cookie policy

This Cookie Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Cookie Policy” or the “Policy”) are part of the website’s Data Protection and Protection Policy. For more information on how we protect the data of website visitors, please refer to our Privacy Policy, which complies with Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002.

What are cookies?
Cookies (hereinafter – cookies) are small service-type text files that are downloaded to your computer or another device from the server of the site you are visiting. Each time you visit this site, your browser sends a cookie back to the server to be able to identify you and remember your user preferences. Cookies cannot collect any information stored on your computer or in your documents. You can refuse the use of cookies. By using our website, you consent to the use and storage of cookies on your end device. Please note that most browsers accept cookies as a default setting. If you disabled the use of cookies, we only leave one persistent cookie, which informs us that you refuse to use any other cookies.

How do we use cookies?
We use the following cookies:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies.These are the files required for the correct operation of our website.
  • Analytical/technical cookies. They allow us to estimate and count the number of visitors, as well as understand how they move around our site when using it. This helps us to make improvements to the site, for example, by optimizing the search for the desired sections, making it simple, convenient, and effective.
  • Functional cookies. These cookies are required to recognize you by a unique identifier that does not reveal your personal data in any way when you visit our website again. This allows us to personalize the content of the site for your needs and to remember your preferences.
  • Targeting cookies. These cookies make a record of your visits to the site, remember the pages you visited and the links you followed. We use this information to ensure that our Site and the advertisements displayed on it are as close as possible to your interests. We can also transfer this information to third parties for these purposes. At the same time, we guarantee that third parties do not receive data that identifies you as a person, and we transfer such cookies only to those persons with whom we have agreements on non-disclosure of such information.

Please note that we do have the right to transfer anonymous information (i.e., information that does not identify you directly or indirectly) and aggregated information (i.e., information about groups and categories of users, including their actions on our website, which does not indicate a person or can be used to identify the user) to our partners, including for the purpose of publishing targeted advertisements, as well as providing you with advertisements for products and services.

Examples of data that can be collected and analyzed by third parties using cookies are: site visitor ID; the IP address used to connect your computer to the Internet; browser type and version; the operating system and platform you use when connecting; the areas of our online services and pages you viewed or searched for; The URLs from or through which you entered (exited) to (from) our online services (sites); date and time of such actions. The structure of the cookie data can be changed at our discretion without notifying site visitors.

If you want to prevent us or third parties from using cookies, you can disable cookies from being saved on your end device by setting your browser to not accept cookies, which will allow you to refuse to set all or part of the cookies. However, if cookies are disabled in your browser (including strictly necessary cookies), some services and functionalities may not work properly at all.

Browser controls and cookie preferences.
Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default. You can change the settings to disable cookies on your computer’s hard drive (mobile device memory) or receive a warning when cookies are sent to your hard drive (mobile device memory). You can revoke your consent to the processing of cookies at any time by deleting the cookies set by this website. More information on this can be obtained by referring to the instructions for use of your browser. Typically, the cookie settings can be found in the Settings, Options, or Preferences menu of your browser. You can also use the “Help” function in your browser. Please note that by disabling cookies, you will not be able to take full advantage of all the features of our website, and some of its parts, including services, may not function properly.

Managing analytical cookies.
These cookies are set by Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica and other analytical companies and collect information about how users use the site, including the number of visitors, the sites from which they came to our site and the pages they viewed on our site. We use this information to make reports and improve our site, for instance, if our users may have encountered any errors, and we can make sure that users can easily find the information they are looking for. These cookies usually remain on your computers until you delete them.

Managing target (advertising) cookies.
These cookies are used to collect information about the sites and separate pages that are visited by users, both on our site and others (which, for example, may indicate your interests and other characteristics). They are usually used to display advertisements and other marketing communications that are more relevant to your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see advertisements, and to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. You can view, remove, or add categories of interest associated with your browser using Google’s Ads Preferences Manager.

Social media buttons.
Social media buttons are used to enable our users to share a link to a web page or bookmark it. These buttons are links to social networking sites owned by third parties, which, in turn, may record information about your activity on the Internet, including on our website. Please read the relevant terms of use and privacy policies of those sites for an understanding of how they use your data and how you can disallow them from using your data or delete it.

Third-party web services.
Sometimes we use third-party web services on our site to display certain elements, for example, to display images, watch videos, or organize polls/surveys. As in case with the social media buttons, we cannot prevent these sites or external domains from collecting information about how you use the site’s content.

Final provisions.
We may periodically make amendments or additions to these Cookie Terms at our sole discretion. When we make changes to these Rules, the date of revision will be updated on the page. The amended and revised Cookie Policy will apply to users and their information from the date of these changes. We encourage you to periodically re-read this Cookie Policy to stay up-to-date.